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"Green check" company was born from Chekad Nawandishan Design Architectural and Urban Planning Consulting Engineers. Since 2004, in order to achieve their goals, which is the sustainable coexistence of architecture and urban planning with the environment, these consulting engineers conducted extensive studies on the appropriate distribution of green space and the promotion of culture, which finally found the right answer in the development of vertical green space in cities. Sight. Therefore, the studies were directed towards the design and implementation of vertical green space.. In the beginning, with the cooperation and consensus of experts, the common methods of designing and implementing this system in developed countries such as Germany, England, and the United States of America were researched, and in order to get to know the related products and conduct laboratory research, several A collection from England and the United States. In the following, the methods of implementation of green roofs and green walls in the country will be investigated and finally, in the beginning of 2013, Chekad Bam Company, based on the modern and effective method of the successful examples produced in the United States, which were implemented with the modular method, in the form of a collection Kamel started its implementation activities from consulting, designing, producing, implementing and maintaining vertical green spaces.
About us
We help property owners and contractors turn their gray unusable outdoor spaces into green and functional areas by providing the fastest and easiest eco-friendly solutions.Our services include the design,manufacturing and the implimentation of pre-manufactured portable modular outdoor goods.